New June 2024 Album Release

65 Album

'65' is the title of my new June 2024 Album Release! This brand new album contains a brand new sound for a brand new season! As a Holy Spirit album assignment, '65' flows from beginning to end as a full on holistic Presence-focused body massage. My newest holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit inspired spontaneously recorded album release, '65,' encompasses soundscapes of textures, timbres, and intricate melodies that soothe the body, mind, soul, and spirit. 

'65's' album cover design was originally a gift created by our son specific to edifying descriptors of me as his mother, along with one of my favorite Scriptures, i.e. Isaiah 60. I enlarged his intention in all the powerful higher resonating life breathing frequency words with Psalm 65 and Isaiah 65:16-25 (TPT). 

We are currently in the decade of PEY (i.e. mouth, word, expression, speech) in the year 5784/2024 (i.e. open doors). The words we speak must intentionally focus on releasing Kingdom life and truths for both ourselves and others, as individuals and as nations. While creating my album introduction, I was prompted to look up the Scriptural/spiritual meaning and significance of the number ’65.’ What Holy Spirit revealed in my research confirmed what I already knew and have experienced this album assignment to be:

“The number 65 holds tremendous symbolism and spiritual significance in the Bible. It is often said to represent a time of renewal and transformation, where one is given the opportunity to start anew and make positive changes in their lives. This number is also associated with divine grace and mercy, indicating a period of forgiveness and generosity. This June 2024 Album Release, '65', reminds us that we are given the opportunity to start again, to let go of the past, and to embrace a brighter future filled with hope and promise.” 1

In listening to the final mix of this newest album release, I am overcome with humble awe of Holy Spirit, of my Heavenly Father, and of my Lord and King. I am overflowing with immeasurable thanksgiving for Heaven’s creativity being gifted and released through me as His psalmist. My prayers and decrees for every treasured listener is that every unique holistic frequency track releases a Presence encounter that supernaturally renews, refreshes, restores, and transforms all who seek Him; for every need and every desire in this present hour in His Story to manifest on each listener’s behalf. 

Each of the Solfeggio frequencies, i.e. 963 Hz, 852 Hz, 741 Hz, 639 Hz, 528 Hz, 444 Hz, 417 Hz, 396 Hz, 285 Hz, and 174 Hz is infused into '65'. The frequency order of the tracks is similar to that of the Aleph Tav Body Cycle Music. Three of the highest resonating essential oil frequencies are also included in this powerfully exciting new upcoming June 2024 Album Release!


'65' officially releases on all of your favorite digital streaming platforms, i.e. Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Pandora, etc. on 06/05/2024. To purchase '65' and/or to see further '65' Album details, click MUSIC on this website beginning 06/05/2024.

The Frequency of Healing Sound

Holy Spirit Inspired Music

Join Chelle Wagner and myself on Heart of the Tribe Youtube Channel for an exciting study and exploration of The Frequency of Healing Sound - Holy Spirit Inspired Music. Each Session will be live-streamed on Heart of the Tribe Youtube Channel over the upcoming weeks on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. EST throughout February and into March.

The Frequency of Healing Sound Part One begins with decades of my personal testimony and Scriptural background/encounters that led up to this kairos juncture in His Story. The focus then shifts to both a biblical and scientific introduction to the subject of the Healing Frequency of Sound. All things should be tested against the Scriptures. Many things have been stolen from the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth due to fear. The enemy came for nothing but to kill, steal, and destroy, but Yeshua came that we might have life and life more abundantly. This is a day where we absolutely need every tool of the Spirit in our Spiritual Tool Box. Let's examine how to truly walk in Spirit and Truth in the Kingdom Dynamics our Bridegroom Yeshua has prepared for us.

The Frequency of Healing Sound Part Two discusses the frequencies of emotions and their impact on our physical bodies. The profound benefits of music in health and wellness is also addressed in detail. Beginning with The Frequency of Healing Sound Part Three, I will begin to unpack holistic frequencies in extensive detail. Each frequency will be connected to a number of significant Biblical truths/attributes that have been made available to us through Yeshua in the power of Holy Spirit NOW! The use of specific tuning forks will also be included in The Frequency of Healing Sound Parts Three, Four, and Five.

Be sure to check out my latest album release, EASE AMIDST DIS-EASE, as it awakens and activates much of the intention presented in the Frequency of Healing Sound - Holy Spirit Inspired Music. EASE AMIDST DIS-EASE is available on my websites as well as on all of your favorite digital streaming platforms. You can also watch the Livestream and/or the recording on my Tammy Sorenson Verified Youtube Artist Channel under LIVE.


January 2024 New Release

EASE AMIDST DIS-EASE ALBUM is my newest holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit inspired spontaneously recorded instrumental release.

Every new album project I release is a Holy Spirit assignment. He will highlight Scriptures, frequencies, titles, tempos, dynamics, flow, etc. as I spend time seeking Heavenly Father's heart on each aspect of the album assignment. This is an intentional process. Holy Spirit decides when it's time to begin the recording process and how/when it all unfolds. Upon completing each project, I really do not remember recording much of the album, as in order to do what I do, I simply have to let go and let Holy Spirit conduct my spirit and my fingers each and every step of the way.

This kairos and strategic new album releases a supernatural shift of EASE (the atmosphere of Heaven's highest resonating frequencies through Jesus Christ in the power of Holy Spirit) into this current atmosphere of surmounting dis-ease (a plethora of lower resonating frequencies adversely impacting our bodies, minds, souls, and spirits). I have immersed myself in this album throughout the month of December and am blessed beyond measure at the profound impact it both contains and releases.

My EASE AMIDST DIS-EASE Album cover depicts the season we have entered into in His Story. We are living in the times Isaiah recorded in Isaiah 60:1-3, as well as Daniel in Daniel 7:21-22. As we navigate our individual and corporate journeys in this hour, we truly need to possess the Kingdom within us Jesus Christ has imparted to us in all of HIs resurrection power and glory. We absolutely must arise and shine without fear in the midst of the deep darkness covering the Earth.

The acronym EASE (Energy And Sound Expressed) was imparted to me via Holy Spirit 2020 and is immeasurably strategic in the midst of the season of DIS-EASE we find ourselves navigating. EASE defined (my Kingdom commission is to be an oasis of EASE for those seeking His Presence)

Make something unpleasant, painful, or intense less serious or severe

Absence of difficulty of effort

Move carefully or gradually

ENERGY defined (unpacking the acronym ‘EASE’)

Hebrews 4:12 (TPT), “For we have the living Word of God, which is full of ENERGY, like a two-mouthed sword. It will even penetrate to the very core of our being where soul and spirit, bone and marrow meet! It interprets and reveals the true thoughts and secret motives of our hearts.”

The Word is LIVING and ACTIVE, i.e. ENERGY

Energy means activity

Energy = Mass Times the Speed of Light Squared

The capacity of a physical system to do work

Light and Sound are both work

SOUND defined (Holy Spirit spontaneously created and inspired music)

Vibrations that travel through air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person’s or animal’s ears. 

Sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as opposed to noise. 

Music, speech, and sound effects when recorded, used to accompany a film or video production, or broadcast. 

The ideas or impressions conveyed by words.

Emit or cause to emit sound.

Convey a specified impression when heard.

Jeremiah 23:29 (AMP), “Is not My word like fire [that consumes all that cannot endure the test]?” says the Lord, “and like a hammer that breaks the [most stubborn] rock [in pieces]?


Convey (a thought or feeling) in words or by gesture and conduct.

Squeeze out (liquid or air)

Cause (an inherited characteristic or gene) to appear in a phenotype

Releasing higher resonating (Philippians 4:8, oils, holistic tunings/settings, thoughts, emotions, words, actions) into lower resonating frequencies (unforgiveness, offense, negativity, division, rejection, bitterness, hate, etc.) to cause them to come into alignment (Quantum Law of Resonance). 

Philippians 4:8 (TPT), “Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always.”

My EASE AMIDST DIS-EASE Album embodies the intention and depiction of EASE. I am beyond grateful and give all glory and honor unto Yeshua, Jesus, King of kings, and Lord of lords for taking His instrumental albums assignments through me up another level. Be abundantly blessed as EASE AMIST DIS-EASE (January 2024 Release) shifts your atmosphere through His supernatural power, body, mind, soul, and spirit, amidst the dis-ease of the times in which we live.

My EASE AMIDST DIS-EASE Album is available on at, SPOTIFY, APPLE MUSIC, AMAZON, PANDORA, YOUTUBE, and wherever digital streaming is available.

(Energy And Sound Expressed) 
Sound Therapy 
January 2024 Release 
Tammy Sorenson (Copyright 2024)


Spotify Wrapped 2023


Spotify Wrapped 2023 Reveal results are in! I have no adequate words of thanksgiving! This post is prayerfully a huge thank you to each of my Spotify (and all other streaming platforms) holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit inspired spontaneous instrumental music listeners all around the world! I am beyond abundantly and immeasurably blessed!

Throughout the year I receive such encouraging emails and social media messages of how people have been blessed by and/or listen to my music. Many of them are specific to my music being used specifically for children, which absolutely and totally blesses me! Our son received a screen shot from one of his co-workers which revealed his number one listened to artist this year was me because they play my music for their children at bedtime every night. I am truly and humbly grateful, thankful, and blessed! I received the following email as well. I give all glory to my Lord and King for using me as His vessel of creativity for such a time as this!

“The Lord has led me to your music. Thank you for producing such sounds to fill our home with love and peace. The first time I played your Christmas album, it put our two youngest children to sleep a few hours before bedtime.”

My Spotify Wrapped 2023 Reveal always encourages me to keep creating for His glory, intentionally releasing His higher resonating frequencies into the atmosphere, i.e. releasing EASE (energy and sound expressed) into the dis-ease of the times in which we live. I am always completely amazed at how Holy Spirit is leading people to listen to my music in so many countries all around the world! It’s all Holy Spirit and all glory to Yeshua! Through these results each year, Holy Spirit gently reminds me why He specifically instructed me not to put words in my music. Instrumental music is a universal language, one in which the Lord Himself is able to be the One intimately communing with and ministering to individuals all around the world. The holistic infused frequencies revelations, intention, attributes, healing, and creativity flow from Heaven’s atmosphere to each one who is seeking all that He alone is for each and every one in this NOW time!

Click Photo Gallery on this website for Spotify Wrapped 2023 demographic and statistical details. 

Working with sound and healing therapy clients is also both humbling and immeasurably encouraging. Click Photo Gallery on this website for an awesome testimony I received the recently, for which again I give my Lord and King all glory!

Be sure to watch for my upcoming new album release January 2024! Check out my sound therapy music and my various sound and healing therapy remote sessions on my website under SHOP PRODUCTS and on this website.

Thank you Bandzoogle listeners and purchasers of my music!!! Thank you Spotify! Thank you for my Spotify Wrapped 2023 Reveal! Abundant and immeasurable thanksgiving to all of my holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit inspired spontaneous instrumental music listeners all around the world! Thank you to all of my sound and healing therapy clients all around the world! Each one of you are His treasure and mine! May His abundant blessings be multiplied to and over each of you throughout the coming year!



September 2023 Release

Melodies of EASE

September 2023 launches my newest album entitled Melodies of EASE. Melodies of EASE (energy and sound expressed) is a holistic frequency infused instrumental album intentionally created to calm, soothe, and release peace into the atmosphere specific to rest and healing, along with intentional Scripture meditation. Spending time with Holy Spirit renews our bodies, minds, souls, and spirit holistically.

Meditating on the Word in His Presence with holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit led instrumental music facilitates “prospering in all things and being in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). There is extensive research available scientifically, musically, physically, and spiritually to confirm the benefits of holistic infused music and daily meditation. 

There are numerous research studies specific to the impact of reading Scripture four days per week. The results reveal significant drops in loneliness, depression, bitterness, anger, alcoholism, watching porn, etc.. These results were even more significant when Scripture was engaged through a trauma-informed lens, of which I am engaged in being equipped. When combining the intention of Scripture, these revealing and hope-filled results , along with holistic infused Holy Spirit inspired holistic frequencies spontaneous new songs, the atmosphere of the Kingdom of Heaven is released to manifest on Earth.

These pieces are perfect for morning or evening devotional time, to set aside time to rest, regroup, balance, calm, de-stress at home, in the work place, or in the car. Unlike “white or pink noise,” these instrumental holistic frequencies pieces include 174 Hz and each of the solfège frequencies to induce both a peaceful and healing environment for anyone of any age.

My Melodies of EASE release are available on this website under MUSIC, under SHOP PRODUCTS, Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, Amazon, and wherever digital distribution is sold/available.

Melodies of EASE  (Energy And Sound Expressed)
Sound Therapy
September 2023 Release
Tammy Sorenson (Copyright 2023)                                        


Meditations of EASE Vol. 1

This release, Meditations of EASE Vol.1, personifies the intention, tunings, frequencies, settings, Scriptures, melodies, harmonies, rhythms, and Holy Spirit inspiration of “Peace, be still.”

Physical bodies were never created to endure the constant low resonating frequencies of stress, schedules, traffic, illness, trauma, emotional roller coaster rides, and an endless list of negativity coming against our minds, our emotions, our souls, and our spirits from all directions 24/7 in this hour. Life in our current culture, i.e. in the generations currently walking the earth, is anything but peaceful, and it has not been peaceful for a very long time. Our day to day existence is continuously inundated with ups and downs, twists and turns and side hooks everywhere we turn. Trials and tribulations appear to be the theme and variations of our generation in all the nations.

It is with all this in mind and spirit that I release my newest album project, Meditations of EASE Vol. 1, in the intention of one of the highest resonating frequencies, “Peace, be still.”

Each of us must absolutely take time every single day to rest:

1) to lie down in green pastures;

2) to walk beside still waters;

3) to search out and meditate on/in the highest resonating frequencies: love, joy, and peace.

Our physical bodies desperately need peace and rest in order to walk in health and wholeness. Peace: there is only one place true Peace and rest can be found and lived out amidst all of the negativity and unrest: in the Person of Jesus Christ through the power of Holy Spirit (Mark 4:39; Matthew 8:23-27; Isaiah 9:6; Philippians 4:7; Psalm 23)

Love: there is only one place true Love can be found and lived out amidst all of the negativity and division: in the lovingkindness of our Heavenly Father (John 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 3:1).

Joy: there is only one place true Joy can be found and lived out amidst all of the negativity and low resonating frequencies: in the Oneness of sonship through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Nehemiah 8:10; 1 Peter 1:8).

My prayer for every listener in Meditations of EASE Vol. 1 is to encounter the Lord’s stillness, rest, and peace in the midst of the chaos of this life: driving in traffic, while rushing from one scheduled demand to the next, needing to fall asleep after a long exhausting day or in the midst of restlessness, in the midst of relational strife, needing a stress break at work, or overloaded by the events and demands of daily life at any age.

The intention, the frequencies, the tunings, the settings, and the Scriptures within the melodies, harmonies, and rhythms of the inspirational holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit inspired music within Meditations of EASE Vol. 1 has been created for all ages: from infancy to the elderly. “Peace, be still.”

Release Date 7/14/23

Meditations of EASE Vol. 1  (Energy And Sound Expressed)
Holistic, Frequency Infused, Holy Spirit Inspired Instrumental Music
Sound Therapy 
Copyright Tammy Sorenson/Sound Expressions July 2023
All Rights Reserved.
Jewel Case Design by Jadan Advertising And Design

Both Meditations of EASE Vol. 1 and Meditations of EASE Vol. 2 will be available on this website under MUSIC.


Meditations of EASE Vol. 2

This release, Meditations of EASE Vol.2, personifies the intention, tunings, frequencies, settings, Scriptures, melodies, harmonies, rhythms, and Holy Spirit inspiration of “Peace, be still.”

Physical bodies were never created to endure the constant low resonating frequencies of stress, schedules, traffic, illness, trauma, emotional roller coaster rides, and an endless list of negativity coming against our minds, our emotions, our souls, and our spirits from all directions 24/7 in this hour. Life in our current culture, i.e. in the generations currently walking the earth, is anything but peaceful, and it has not been peaceful for a very long time. Our day to day existence is continuously inundated with ups and downs, twists and turns and side hooks everywhere we turn. Trials and tribulations appear to be the theme and variations of our generation in all the nations.

It is with all this in mind and spirit that I release my newest album project, Meditations of EASE Vol. 2, in the intention of one of the highest resonating frequencies, “Peace, be still.”

Each of us must absolutely take time every single day to rest:

1) to lie down in green pastures;

2) to walk beside still waters;

3) to to search out and meditate on/in the highest resonating frequencies: love, joy, and peace.

Our physical bodies desperately need peace and rest in order to walk in health and wholeness. Peace: there is only one place true Peace and rest can be found and lived out amidst all of the negativity and unrest: in the Person of Jesus Christ through the power of Holy Spirit (Mark 4:39; Matthew 8:23-27; Isaiah 9:6; Philippians 4:7; Psalm 23)

Love: there is only one place true Love can be found and lived out amidst all of the negativity and division: in the lovingkindness of our Heavenly Father (John 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 3:1).

Joy: there is only one place true Joy can be found and lived out amidst all of the negativity and low resonating frequencies: in the Oneness of sonship through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Nehemiah 8:10; 1 Peter 1:8).

My prayer for every listener in Meditations of EASE Vol. 2 is to encounter the Lord’s stillness, rest, and peace in the midst of the chaos of this life: driving in traffic, while rushing from one scheduled demand to the next, needing to fall asleep after a long exhausting day or in the midst of restlessness, in the midst of relational strife, needing a stress break at work, or overloaded by the events and demands of daily life at any age.

The intention, the frequencies, the tunings, the settings, and the Scriptures within the melodies, harmonies, and rhythms of the inspirational holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit inspired music within Meditations of EASE Vol. 2 has been created for all ages: from infancy to the elderly. “Peace, be still.”

Release Date 7/14/23

Meditations of EASE Vol. 2  (Energy And Sound Expressed)
Holistic, Frequency Infused, Holy Spirit Inspired Instrumental Music
Sound Therapy 
Copyright Tammy Sorenson/Sound Expressions July 2023
All Rights Reserved.
Jewel Case Design by Jadan Advertising And Design

Both Meditations of EASE Vol. 1 and Meditations of EASE Vol. 2 will be available on this website under MUSIC.

NEW: Sound Healing Therapy Sessions/Products

Click on Sound Healing Therapy

Sound Therapy Sessions
Sound Therapy Courses/Resources
Psalming Equipping/Resources



WAVES of EASE (Energy And Sound Expressed) is an exciting new holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit inspired instrumental album coming April 2023. This prolific new project culminated due to a March 2023 EASE challenge from a good friend and Kingdom creative, Allison Lewis, of tealpatrickart. Allison extended a 30 day Facebook challenge for the month of March to all Kingdom creatives. Her challenge was to CREATE and RELEASE WAVES AS PRAYER into the quantum realm for 30 days consecutive days, These creative endeavors were to be in agreement and alignment with how Holy Spirit is ALREADY moving in the midst of our nation.

For myself, WAVES of EASE was created as a declaration and release of the energy and sound of corporate ecclesia agreement in alignment with the atmosphere of Heaven through Holy Spirit’s momentum of love and answered prayers. These answered prayers are specific to awakening in this hour in which we live. Each WAVES of EASE instrumental track is just under 10 minutes in length, as requested by a numerous holistic practitioners needing longer tracks for their ministries and holistic practices. WAVES of EASE is strategic for healing, wholeness, and Scriptural meditation. 

WAVES of Energy And Sound

A wave represents motion, flow, and creative Holy Spirit power. A wave represents energy and sound expressed, frequency, color, and light. WAVES of EASE represents the disruption of dis-ease through the release of the EASE (Energy And Sound Expressed) of the atmosphere of Heaven; through the release of the rivers of living water flowing through our innermost being into the NOW. Along with the 30 day March challenge, WAVES of EASE was created to be EXPONENTIAL in ACTIVATING sons and daughters through the creativity of our Heavenly Father present in each treasured individual.

This creative new project is an intentional exhortation of inspiration and being stirred to greater love, expectation, and creativity! Each WAVE of EASE instrumental piece is a holistic, Holy Spirit inspired expression, decree, and release of what He revealed through me in this challenge. I am His Psalmist, and my wholehearted intention is to yield to Holy Spirit leading on Earth as it is in Heaven on behalf of Him encountering every individual seeking Him for such a time as this! 


Micro SD cards of each of my holistic frequency infused instrumental albums. Available with individual albums, combined albums, with/without a bluetooth speaker! Prices with vary according to each requested item.